MH-60 Flight Line Family Photos
This incredible Navy pilot celebrated the end of a difficult flight syllabus with an MH-60 flight line mommy and me photoshoot.
As parents, we have a tendency to want to do and be it all.
We want to keep our home beautiful, to have our child hit their milestones, to still thrive at work, to be good partners and friends. We want our child to be big, but not too big. We want them to grow, but not too fast. We want to be everything to everyone, to maintain the same pace we had before kids, to live, laugh and love.
Why do we expect so much from ourselves?
Often, I find myself falling into a martyr role. I’ll sacrifice my own happiness and comfort for the sake of others. In my mind, it’s just easier if I do it, even if others want to help (and they do). The mental load of making the list - how folks can help - can sometimes be more overwhelming and tiring than just doing it myself.
I know I’m not alone in this. But dang, is it tiring.
I’m trying to focus more on letting others help, on filling my own cup, on protecting my peace and bringing myself joy. Taking quiet moments to myself - maybe a walk or a quick Peloton workout - have been hugely beneficial to me. I’ll never be the person I was before baby and I don’t want to be that person. Instead, it’s meeting this version of me and uncovering what she likes and needs with the help of others.
So give yourself grace. Meet you where you are right now, not six months or years ago. This era you’re in is pretty fantastic.