What to Wear Guide

Deciding what to wear for an outdoor photoshoot shouldn't be a stressful event.

Before Choosing a Color Palette


What you wear makes a huge difference to the photos. If we're shooting in a muted location (like the beach or the desert), bright colors may clash with the foliage. However, against the metallic grey of downtown San Diego, they will help you stand out. 

Skin Tones 

What colors look best with your skin tone? If you have a warmer skin tone (yellow undertone), you'll look best in browns, reds, golds and browns. If you have a cooler skin tone (blue undertone), you'll look best in purples, blues and greys. 

Coordinate Colors 

Don't match: coordinate! Pick colors that work well together. Everyone wearing a different color will bring more life to the photo and help each person stand out. Adding texture can help add dimension, just make sure it's not too chunky! 

Limit Prints 

Keep bold prints and patterns muted or to a minimum. Logos, bold prints or characters can be distracting. Maybe dress one person in a gorgeous muted floral print and pull colors from that print to determine your color palette. 

bright color palette for photoshoot outfits
pastel color palette for photoshoot outfits
red color palette for photoshoot outfits

After Choosing a Color Palette

Build Outfits Off a Base Outfit 

You've been working for months on your homecoming body and have the perfect outfit to show it off; build everyone's outfit off that. Pull colors from your outfit to dress the kids, keeping in mind what colors look best on their skin tones. 

Your Closet 

What do you own that can fit with your chosen palette? Build your palette around what you know kids will be okay wearing on photo day.

Accessorize and Layer 

If you want to use a palette with navy and coral but someone doesn't look good in coral, accessorize with coral via a scarf, jacket or necklace. Layers add dimension, and a cardigan, blazer or a cute jacket lengthens the body. Pro tip: flowy fabrics look gorgeous on camera! 

Choose Comfort Over Cute 

Any discomfort in your outfit will come through in a photo. If you're not comfortable in heels, don't wear them! Shooting at the beach? Wear sandals and plan to go barefoot. Also, dress for the weather! 

Final Tips

Authenticity First 

This shoot is about you, capturing this season in your life in all its authenticity. Choose an outfit that you'd wear in "real life." Dress up and have fun, but keep in mind that these photos should be timeless and a snapshot into your life. 

Ask for Help! 

I am always just an email, DM, FaceTime or text away. If you need assistance choosing your outfits, contact me!